Sunday, April 2, 2017

Object Variable

'Object variable not set (Error 91)
'There are two steps to creating an object variable. First you must declare the object variable. Then you must assign a valid reference to the object variable using the Set statement. Similarly, a With...End With block must be initialized by executing the With statement entry point. This error has the following causes and solutions:
'You attempted to use an object variable that isn't yet referencing a valid object.
'Specify or respecify a reference for the object variable. For example, if the Set statement is omitted in the following code, an error would be generated on the reference to

Option Explicit
Sub test_objectvariable()

Dim testname As Range
Set testname = Range("a7", Range("a7").Offset.End(xlDown).Offset.End(xlToRight))

testname.Font.Color = rgbBlue
Range("a7", Range("a7").Offset.End(xlDown).Offset.End(xlToRight)).Select
testname.Interior.Color = vbRed
testname.Interior.ColorIndex = 23
End Sub

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